Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A snip

I was well intentioned.  Facebook is just so convenient.  I have however made some changes in my routine.
When I step away from the "whirlwind", (what I sometimes say referring to my life over the past several years) things kinda have this slow motion effect.  My reality  has been full speed, now that it has slowed down, well, that has become the new strange.
There will come a day when I will finally be able to put to words in journal and blog, the life experiences that my family and I have walked out.  Some things have to fall into place before that is possible.
I love to write. I love that expression when it is fluid.  In all of this "whirlwind" one of the things that I miss most is having that expression.  It just isn't accessible, not even in my journaling.  Perhaps it has been too much for words.
Oh, I await that season of expression.  I will write, and write, and write....

Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Greatest warriors are forged in the fire.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have this routine: when I awake in the morning I make my coffee, and check out the news. I have considered it a relatively peaceful way to start my day, but what am I thinking?!? Seriously! Is there a news organization out there that only writes about happy, beautiful, heroic, uplifting, romantic, and touching stories? I promise you, if there were it would be the most sought after from this lady. I have PLENTY drama and negative insanity in my own world. I think that in addition to getting off Facebook (for good) this upcoming 2012 new year, I will change things up a bit in my morning routine. Perhaps I will read the Bible instead. Maybe I will spend that time hand writing (yep, I said it) a letter to someone that I love. Or maybe I will take that time a pray for this nation, 'cause it is certainly heading in the wrong direction on so many levels. Whatever I do, I intend to pursue peace, and joy with tenacity. I suppose that news is news, good or bad it has it's place of reporting. This world is crazy that is evident. I, along with so many others need HOPE. My story is sad but it will not be defined by the sadness. No, my life story will be defined by what comes out of the ashes, what the fire proves worthy, what God brings for good...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Thank you for your courage Rick!

I have so much to say. 
Now is not the time. 
This is a well written, short story of the insanity that my family has been walking out. 
I long for justice for all who have been broken as a result. 
May God grant me that desire.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My companions are who? Sorrow and Suffering???

I am awake with anticipation for the future. I am learning to roll with the changes that erupt. I used to resist and argue with the discomfort. I have learned to tentatively embrace it. I will be glad to finally write about what has been happening in our lives without fear. I have to give voice to what has been two years of breaking and death for me. Oh, we have learned so much. We have grown expeditiously. I look at this mess now and I think to myself, "what is salvageable? What is good?". For now, those questions leave me speechless..

Sunday, November 27, 2011

My pal

I have a hero. I love my friends so dearly that most often I refer to them as family. I have a friend whom I have known for about fourteen years. She is an incredible person with a larger than life heart. I have never met anybody who gives of themselves as easily as my friend Natalie. Natalie was raised in a home with children who needed love. Her parents were foster parents for years and eventually adopted three of the children that came to them through the program. For years I watched Natalie take hurting women into her home and love on them regardless of what issues they had. Natalie is an animal lover. I have seen her take in just about every single stray pet that has come across her path. That is saying a lot, in fact, it is sort of a running joke that the animals know to come to her. When Natalie chose to adopt internationally it was absolutey no surprise to me. I knew that her heart was big enough as her family continued to grow with each commitment of adoption that she made. When the state of Florida asked if she would be interested in adopting two more children after she had already committed to ten, I knew what her answer would be: Absolutely! I am proud to call her my friend. She is steady, kind, and full of compassion. She has fought this battle for justice along side me. I am thankful to God that if there were anybody that I would walk through this season with He chose her. She is a hero, a real, true-blue hero.